5 Great Dissertation Research Techniques For University Students

Usually written by university students or academic scholars, a dissertation refers to a comprehensive write-up based on extensive study and reading. When attempting to write a dissertation paper, the student needs to determine what type of study and which techniques he/she should follow depending on the requirements of their academics. Like any individual or organization doing their dissertation research can follow two different types of research works, such as practical and theoretical research.

Here are the most effective and widely adopted dissertation research techniques followed by university students all over the world.

Descriptive/Qualitative method:

With this technique, students have to describe specific situations in details by using different research tools and resources like observations, surveys and interviews. In this technique included is the target that students describe things as they actually are. University students find this technique useful when they attempt to work with the questions, such as,

  • Which way do people follow to implement this program?
  • What are the challenges that people face?
  • What perceptions do people hold?

Quantitative method:

This technique requires students to find quantifiable data which involves statistical and numerical explanations like average, frequency, etc. In this technique, students have to measure things just exactly as they are. Here are some common questions which may go well with this technique:

  • What is the number of people taking part in this program?
  • Which characteristics do people participating in this program have?
  • How well did people participating in this program do?

Regression/Correlation analysis:

This research technique is adopted to determine how strong the relationship between at least two or more variables is. The analyses will be qualitative. For example, a particular dissertation topic can be whether or not violent video games are correlated with noticeable aggression in children. Some questions which are suitable for this technique are given below:

  • What is the actual relationship between student achievement and various classroom or school context factors?
  • Is the extent of a program’s implementation across various sites correlated with more accurate and better results?

Experimental technique:

This technique uses random assignment that involves the placement of participants in two particular groups which includes an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group receives intervention while the control group works without getting any intervention.

Quasi-Experimental technique:

This technique requires students to compare two groups or things among which one is typically influenced by a relevant external source while another is not influenced by any external force. Students need to compare a group that has a particular type of intervention with another similar group, but the latter should not get the intervention.


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