A List Of The Most Challenging Media Production Dissertation Ideas

Writing your dissertation is one of the most challenging assignments that you will likely be asked to do throughout your education. You should accommodate for this by setting aside some plans to work on it on a daily basis. That way you don’t have to wait until the last minute to try and throw something together.

One of the most challenging parts of writing your paper is choosing a topic. It can be difficult because you have to choose one that is specific enough to do a study on. You would want to create a research question and a hypothesis that you will aim to prove. Your paper should add knowledge to your field of study that underclassman could use for their research.

  • Forms of media that work best for marketing to online college students.
  • The most significant ad that Coca-Cola has used in the history of the company.
  • How the decrease in newspaper sales have affected The Herald Journal.
  • In-depth case study of places where the citizens still watch local news casts.
  • Allowing Freedom of Press and Respect for Personal Rights.
  • How has journalism changed in America over the past few decades?
  • Are social media sites going to remain popular or will they lose their current flare?
  • How regulated is the radio industry and how does that affect the information given through this source?
  • Are social media sites dangerous for national security?

The key is to take one of these topics and define a very specific case for it. For example, you would want to narrow down the topic to a specific area, company, or time period. It is a great way to make your topic unique and to choose a topic that is specific enough to right this type of paper on.

When you are writing your dissertation, you have to focus on choosing a topic that is unique and original. It can’t be something that has already been studied. You can build on a previous topic that has been discussed but you need make sure that you enhance the overall knowledge on the subject. Get a few sample dissertations to read through to make sure that you understand what is expected of you. It will also show you how to set your paper up and what sections to include.


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